Friday, February 11, 2011

ruff and I don't mean what a dog says.

Life is ruff... Everyday is changing and sometimes I can't control it and I feel like a spinning top. Why is change so hard for me? I feel like most can flow like a river and love ever rock it passes. Me I always want to stop and enjoy the rocks accept for.. Ya can't, things are always moving. I am so tired of being that one that ruins things for myself all because I can't let myself be happy or go with the flow. Hopefully this new SAM-e that I am taking will help me out and possibly feel under control. Woo life's ruff, take a SAM-e!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bad moods

Where do bad moods transpire from? How can a person emit so much bad moodness for reasons unknown? As I sit here feeling sour and questioning life for a moment I want to know why? Nothing has changed today, nobody has wronged me or been mean but why do I feel the need to exude rudeness? UGH. I really wish that in this world there was a magic pill that could cure all bad thoughts or feeling when being felt. Possibly I am in need of an outlet... Somebody I can take my anger out on, and after not feel bad for being angry at them! Maybe I need to make some sort incantation that will trick me or my mind into feeling better. Bad moods come and go... but sometimes ruin things that do not need to ruined for that day. Sorry to everyone today that has had to endure my BAD MOOD!

Late night blog.

Well, for some clarification I am not much a a lonely girl per-say? I have a wonderful family and great boyfriend.. Buttt I must say being a lady with a GREAT deal of time on her hands, and the job front not thriving with offers to hire this California girl; somedays are somewhat bleak and lonely with no other to listen besides the laundry and possibly my new shark vacuum that I received this past christmas. So women of this planet, what might thou do to entertain thy selves?!